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The ClubCalendar Pricing

ClubCalendar Pro
$297 Per Month

-200 Unique Events per month

-Anatomy of the Perfect Pitch

The We Do it For You Program

The number of hours you have to put into adding and resourcing new prospects is overwhelming, but you need new contacts, so how do you build your contacts without all the hours,,,,   I'm sure your ideal situation is not spending hours on LinkedIn, chatrooms, or other groups looking for the right person to connect with and add to your contacts.


Let us take this work off your back, and give you back the hours you spend on digging around fresh prospects, we provide you with 200 direct contacts each month including all the details for their future events so you can build your pipeline every month without the hours of digging use our detailed information for each group to customize your contact, easily as 1-2-3.

Still, don't you have the bandwidth to contact 200 planners hiring speakers monthly? Ask us about the We Do It For You Program.  

The We Do It for You option is a program in which we act as your VA and do all your outreach for the monthly Calendar, we will also share the monthly calendar with you.  We will market you directly to all the events in the calendar and others roughly 2400-3000 qualified events per year, The fee covers the full calendar access at a reduced rate and has no commission and we do all the outreach and work on your behalf.  

-All outreach will be done by us on your behalf
-We will open the conversation with the planners direct them to your profile and field any questions and details
-100% assistance for any negotiations or bookings as needed, we will be a team for all bookings

“I’ve been a Club Calendar customer for about a year and it has more than paid for its modest monthly costs.  Among the in-person, paying conferences and venues I’m scheduled to speak at over the next eight months, the vast majority were secured through Club Calendar’s services.  I’m sure it can work for you as well.”


Craig Whelden

Major General, U.S. Army (ret)


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